
EOL Workshop Information

Welcome to Toukley Celebrants, your destination for Toukley Celebrants and Willow End-of-Life Education Workshops.

Our workshops are designed to be flexible and tailored to your needs. They can be taken individually to address your immediate concerns and interests, or as part of a comprehensive package at a discounted rate, providing you with a holistic approach to End-of-Life Planning that covers all aspects of your future care and legacy.

Whether you are looking to explore specific topics in-depth or prefer an overview of End-of-Life Planning, our workshops offer a safe and supportive environment where you canlearn, share, grow and prepare for your future with confidence.

Take the first step towards creating a plan that reflects your values, beliefs, wishes and intentions. Join us on this transformative journey into End-of-Life Planning and discover the peace-of-mind that comes with knowing your future is in safe hands…YOURS.

To find out more about our workshops, simply click on the workshop title below. A brief overview will open up to give you a brief explanation of what that particular workshop entails.

If you are ready to join us, click the Register Now button to secure your place in our next workshop.

We look forward to seeing you are an online or face-to-face workshop soon.

Upcoming End of Life Workshops

3 Keys to End-of-Life Planning


Everyone in our society should be given the correct information to enable them to make well informed decisions that affect their ongoing and future healthcare, financial, legal and personal wishes.

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Planning with purpose – a practical guide


When it comes to planning for the future, organizing our personal affairs may not be at the top of our to-do list. So, what exactly is needed to put our affairs in order?

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Create a legacy of love


By participating in this workshop, you can ensure that your stories, memories and values are preserved and shared in a way that reflects your unique identityYour Title Goes Here while preserving the impact you have had on your loved ones’ lives.

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Working with a Death Doula


This workshop aims to help you understand the role of a death doula and determine if utilizing their services is the right choice for you.

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How to stop procrastinating with EOL Planning


Heart-centred and holistic end-of-life planning is not about checking items off a big list. It includes emotions, relationships and looking at planning as a total coherent system.

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Values, wishes and who and what matters most


Based on three tools from Willow’s holistic and pragmatic workbook, 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death, Values, Wishes and Who and What Matter Most will guide you to explore the reality of your mortality in a fun and interactive workshop.

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Conscious health, personal care and final wishes


Conscious Health, Personal Care & Final Wishes will ensure that your choices around end-of-life planning reflect your values and priorities.

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The 5-minute Legacy Love Letter


With six meaningful prompts, the 5-Minute Legacy Love Letter™ helps you write lasting messages to important people in your life, and transform those relationships in the here and now..

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Writing your Heart Will as a manifesto for living


Writing your Heart Will™ is also a powerful discovery process that supports you to live and love fully. In essence, your Heart Will™ can serve as a manifesto for living to ground and guide you when you need it.

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How to create and live your legacy


Inside a thoughtful and dynamic group process you will reflect on what you want your legacy to be and what actions you can take now to create and live that legacy.

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Remembering and being remembered


In Remembering and Being Remembered we’ll look at the who, what, how and why of remembering. Why do you remember people who have died?

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9 things to include in your Departure Directions


Completing your Departure Directions™ will give you peace of mind knowing your final wishes will reflect who you are and what matters most to you while alleviating stress, chaos and worry for the people you leave behind.

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Greening your death and aligning your values


Learn about the choices you have, to make your wishes at death reflect the values that you hold dear in your life.

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5 steps for successful EOL Planning conversations


Whether you’re thinking about your own end-of-life planning or you want to facilitate plans for someone else, it really helps to talk about it first!

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7 Tools Workbook Series (8 parts)


This series of eight workshops encompasses the seven exercises in the 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death workbook and concludes with a final session on Moving Forward.

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Departure Directions Full day workshop


Heart-centred and holistic end-of-life planning is not about checking items off a big list. It includes emotions, relationships and looking at planning as a total coherent system.

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7 Tools for making sense of life & death Series (3 parts)


Based on Willow’s heart-centered and pragmatic workbook, 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death, this 3-part workshop series will guide you to explore the reality of your mortality in a fun and interactive workshop series.

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Legacy, Love Letter and Heart Will Series (3 parts)


Writing your Heart Will® and Legacy Love Letter® (sometimes referred to as ethical wills or legacy letters) will give you peace of mind that nothing is left unsaid.

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Departure Directions Series (3 parts)


Completing your Departure Directions™ will give you peace of mind knowing your final wishes will reflect who you are and what matters most to you while alleviating stress, chaos and worry for the people you leave behind.

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One-on-one workshops



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Family group workshops



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Corporate group workshops



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One-on-one EOL Planning consultation



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Contact Us

Fill out the form below if its out of hours or contact us on 0488 444 322.